Archives for Reviews - Page 7
Skin MD Natural Review and Giveaway (closed)
Skin care is very important to me. Our family has a history of dry and sensitive skin as well as eczema. So when I was approached to complete this review and giveaway- I was excited to have the opportunity to sample a product that may help my skin's condition. I…
Le bibble Review and Giveaway! (closed)
This has to be one of the cutest review and giveaways ever! Le bibble was a perfect baby shower gift for my cousin. I reviewed one of these colorful Le bibble bibs the first day baby girl Maya arrived home. After I put the Le bibble around the baby bottle-…
Fit Yummy Mummy Transformation Kit Giveaway! (closed)
A giveaway to kick start the New Year! My goal for next year is to maintain a healthy weight, which is very important for your overall health. When I was approached by Holly Rigsby to host this review and giveaway, I was very excited! I have been looking for a…
Pretty Neat Review: Win $250 and Giveaway (closed)
Being organized is very important to me- so when I was asked to review Pretty Neat: the buttoned-up way to get organized & let go of perfection, I was all for it. There are many things in life that I liked to have organized, for example, keeping our home together…