Archives for Resources - Page 79
Ways to Avoid Burn Out
Working from home seems like it should be a breeze. After all, there is no commute and a lot of times you do not even have to get out of your jammies, so what problems could you possibly have? Well, what people that do not work from home forget is…
6 Cures for Morning Madness
By Victoria Scanlan Stefanakos Mornings with kids may be the most tiring part of the day, but parents often make it worse by getting caught in a cycle of nagging and yelling. Without meaning to, they train kids to expect to hear multiple times what they need to do to…
Is Your Stress Harming Your Kids?
Healthy Kids from Teeth to Feet: Positive Parenting By Aviva Patz for Healthy Kids from Teeth to Feet Money worries, job demands and a lengthy to-do list have us stressed to the max … and it’s taking a toll on our kids. A 2010 survey by the American Psychological Association…
Save on the home and add to the improvement
For working families balancing home and work life is tough enough as it is; and for those of us who choose to operate a business out of the home, it becomes even tougher to separate those two environments. It can seem at times that your entire world is filled with…