Archives for Resources - Page 61
Making Tough Decisions for Your Business
Anytime that you're put into a leadership position, there are going to be moments when you're going to have to make some pretty hard calls; when decisions that are ultimately the best will not always be the easiest. The good news is that if you maintain a positive attitude and…
The student’s money survival tips
Many people imagine that a student‘s life is all be about frugal living, pasta and beans. This is a huge misconception considering that students too have financial needs that need to be taken care of. As a parent whose children are headed for college, it would be myopic to think…
5 Money Saving Tech Tools for WAHMs
Juggling the responsibilities of motherhood combined with the many other life concerns can be very difficult, as can turning your at home work into a profitable business. Luckily technology is on your side. You can use these 5 great tech tools to save money and make your life easier at…
Business Plan Writing Tips for WAHMs to Secure Funding
So, you're a Work-At-Home-Mom who has come up with a great idea for a business. Congratulations! There is nothing more empowering and affirming as having a vision and putting the steps in place to see it manifest. Before you start to think about the kind of letterhead that you want…