Archives for Resources - Page 59
Should Your Remote Team Work over the Holidays?
Managing a remote team is tough for any working mom. Juggling family life with work has never been easy, and things can get even more complicated when you have to communicate with your coworkers and employees over great distances. Unless everyone is on the same page with regards to all…
5 Reasons You Should Always Backup Your Data
Basically all of us have seen a movie or television program where we saw someone working on a big report and all of a sudden their computer crashes. And, because they did not backup their data, they lost all of that hard work that they did on the project. Understandably,…
Different Life Insurance Options for WAHMs
When you're a Work-At-Home-Mom, if there's one thing that has to be a top necessity for you, it would have to be life insurance. Should something unexpectedly tragic happen, you definitely want to make sure that your family is well taken care of. If you've been wondering about the kind…