Archives for Resources - Page 30
5 Tips for Organizing a Promotional Event for Your Home-Based Business
Just because you happen to work from the comfort of your own home doesn't mean you can run your business like a lazy Saturday. As you probably know by now, it's important to operate as though you work in a standard office setting, which means "clocking in" at set hours,…
How to Utilize Social Media to Improve Customer Service for Your Home-Based Business
Any time you open more channels of communication with your customers you're going to increase your opportunities to deliver stellar customer service. But as a work-at-home mom running your own business, you still have to be selective about the means you employ to connect with your clients and the consumer…
5 Ways That Music Education Benefits Kids
The results are in - musical education can benefit kids in innumerable ways. Musical education can have a "Mozart Effect" of sorts and can result in children performing better in other subjects as well, especially math and science. Moreover, 71% of students who take some type of musical training will…
How to Get Your WAHM Based Business Started With Google+
Starting a business at home is a great way for any mom to earn a living, and there are more resources available than ever before, for helping you achieve your goals as an entrepreneur. As you begin to solidify your business plan and turn your ambitious dream into a reality,…