Archives for Resources - Page 124
Holiday Success Tips for the Work-at-Home Mom
Being a work-at-home mom is always a balancing act, but juggling your work and your family can become even more precarious during the holidays when you are tugged in a million directions and you take on a lot more responsibilities. You may be traveling or entertaining guests (both of which…
Planning Wisely for Maternity Leave
It is never too early to begin planning your maternity leave, no matter whether you are pregnant, adopting, or simply thinking about starting a family. You must start by learning what your rights and benefits are. Usually, employers provide paid leave for childbirth. Keep in mind that discrimination against mothers-to-be…
Coupons 101
Being a work-at-home mom is more than a full-time job; it’s a lifetime job. You don’t have scheduled start and end times, breaks, or even meals unless you wrestle your schedule into submission. Applying yourself to your work-at-home career while raising your family takes strength, determination, inspiration, creativity, and so…
What Is Baby Sign Language?
Baby sign language is a way of teaching your baby to communicate with you and others by using hand gestures. Baby Sign Language is a simplified version of ASL (American Sign Language). Signing with your baby is fun, free, and best of all, it really works! Read on to find…