Archives for Resources - Page 123
Holiday Style for the Busy WAHM
Being a work-at-home mom, looking good for the holidays may be the last thing on your mind. But with family entertaining demanding that you play the happy hostess and the onus on you to reflect well on your husband when you attend his holiday party (to meet and impress the…
New Year’s Resolutions for the Work-at-Home Mom
All of us face the turning of the year with a renewed sense of purpose. The first of January signals your annual option for a fresh start. You’ve just recharged your batteries with a few days off spent frolicking in the snow, sipping cocoa, catching up on reading, and making…
Childrens’s Storybooks Online
This is a great website for children! Illustrated children's stories for kids of all ages. includes FREE storybooks for young children, older children and young adults! Some of the books online also includes audio. It is online and free! For all ages- your children could learn phonics the fun and…
7 DIY Christmas Gift Ideas for Frugal Moms
Christmas is a fun-filled holiday, but it’s also stressful for WAHMs. You have to plan out your holiday hiatus from work carefully, budget creatively, and somehow find the time to spend Christmas with the people who matter to you the most. To help you with those tough demands on your…