Archives for Resources - Page 113
Stressed Out? How to Manage and Organize Your Busy Life
As any working mother knows, balancing the demands of a job and the needs of a family can be pretty tricky. But when you’re trying to run a business from home, it can actually be even more difficult. For one thing, an office provides a relatively calm and noise-free space…
How to Plan a Baby Shower
If you’ve been called upon to plan a baby shower but you’ve never done one before, you might be a little nervous when you start thinking about how to proceed. But in truth, you’ll probably find it to be a lot more fun than you expect, especially if you’re kind…
How to Juggle Working from Home, Raising Kids, AND Earning a Degree
Work-at-home moms already manage what amounts to two jobs. Raising children is a round-the-clock pursuit that can sometimes seem like a thankless job that you never leave (although it certainly gets easier once the kids go off to school). And when you throw in part-time or full-time work, even if…
Fun way to save! - Play, Shop, Win - lets you play a series of original games and earn points at the same time. GoSave also has a fun social shopping aspect where users can shop online at over 1,200 popular stores to earn the same points. Those points can…