Archives for Guest Post - Page 35
5 Common Business Plan Mistakes to Avoid
Have you been thinking about starting up a business lately? If so, we think that is absolutely awesome. There is nothing like putting all of your knowledge and skills into one of your own dreams that you can turn into a reality. Of course, being that half of all businesses…
Information on How to Paint a Concrete Garage Floor
Careful consideration should be made when painting concrete garage floors. Plenty of care, patience and preparation should be made during the process. The more time that is spent on the preparation, the better the outcome will be. After the preparation has been done, painting this floor is similar to painting…
5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Kids Entertained While You Work
When you're a Work-At-Home-Mom (WAHM), it can already be challenging enough to try and get a full day of work done while your kids are at home. That's because children have something that a lot of us wish that we did: boundless amounts of energy. The good news is that…
5 Must-Have Apps for WAHMs
No matter what it is that they may do for a living, something that all Work-At-Home-Moms (WAHMs) can agree on is that time is of the ultimate essence. Each day, they have to figure out how to make the most of a 24-hour day from getting their spouse and kids…