Archives for Guest Post - Page 116
WAHM Tips for Stocking Stuffers
If you are a WAHM, or work at home mom, Christmas can either be a challenge as you try and juggle the kids, working from home and preparing for the big day itself. Stocking stuffers are the fun little trinkets and gifts that Santa brings so that the kids have…
3 Environmentally Friendly Substitutes For Common Baby Products
Diapers Perhaps the most important eco-friendly choice you can make for your baby is to start using cloth diapers instead of disposable ones. Disposable plastic diapers may have taken up more space in landfills across the world than almost any other individual type of human discard. A single baby can…
How to Keep Your Home Office Contained
You may have discovered, since you started working from home that items from your office have begun to spill over into other rooms in the house. While it’s not uncommon for possessions throughout your home to migrate from room to room (you still can’t quite figure out how the remote…
10 Easy Ways Parents and Kids can Save Water at Home
Have you checked your water bill lately? According to the American Water Works Association the daily indoor per capita use is gallons. Even if you know you use less, chances are you and your family could still conserve more. In addition, you could be teaching your children valuable lessons about…