Archives for Helpful Tips - Page 62
Why You Need an Updated Resume as a WAHM
As a work-at-home mom, it can be tempting to think that resumes are a thing of the past – but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, having an updated resume may be more important, because many work-at-home jobs, such as web design, photography, tutoring, and crafting, involve…
How Sedentary WAHMs Can Stay in Shape
Although it can be pretty empowering to work at home, on your computer, if there is one great "con" that comes with having that kind of lifestyle it's that it can definitely encourage you to become sedentary. You know, sitting for hours on end without getting much exercise. Many health…
Why It’s Good to Dress Up, Even If You Work From Home
One of the best things about working from home is that you can finally get rid of those constricting suits you wore to the office. There are no more slacks without stretch in the waistband, no more blazers pinching around the armpits, no more dry-clean only garments, and thank the…
Getting Your Family Prepared for Holiday Travel
The holidays are a wondrous time of giving and good cheer, but for many of us this season brings along a load of stress at the same time. If you're planning on traveling with your family over the holidays, you're going to need to do some serious preparation work to…