Archives for Helpful Tips - Page 28
How to Make Yourself More Attractive to Potential Clients and Buyers
We don’t mean physically attractive (though you probably don’t want to show up to a meeting in last week’s sweats having forgotten to brush your hair). What we’re talking about is how to make yourself stand out amongst all of your competition. 1. Your Education These days you have to…
I have a pile of artwork from my children. What are some creative ways I can display them beyond the refrigerator?
By Julia Mack Make the most of your kiddie art by framing anything that shows good intent from the artist. If it looks as though your child was inspired and trying to create art, then you'll definitely want to hang onto it. Placing art behind glass will keep it from…
5 Ways to Keep Your Clients Coming Back
Many new business owners throw all of their efforts into getting people in the doors. Without raising awareness of your company and whatever you're trying to sell, you're not going to be in business for long. And although enticing new customers should be a big part of any ongoing business…
5 Tips for Organizing a Promotional Event for Your Home-Based Business
Just because you happen to work from the comfort of your own home doesn't mean you can run your business like a lazy Saturday. As you probably know by now, it's important to operate as though you work in a standard office setting, which means "clocking in" at set hours,…