Archives for Helpful Tips - Page 112
How to Build and Maintain a Client List
There’s a lot more to getting new clients than cold-calling. In fact, this old-school (and rather inefficient) method of getting your name out there is not only annoying (for everyone involved), but practically unheard of these days. The rapid growth of the internet and the realization of its potential to…
Prep for the Holidays
Just because you’re working out of the house doesn’t necessarily mean you have more time to prepare for the impending holiday season. In fact, trying to keep tasks for your work, your family, and the holidays separate may prove to be more of a problem than you anticipated, especially since…
WAHMS: How to Break Out of the Shell of Isolation
Have you made the decision to run your business, consult, or freelance from home while raising your children? If so, your world can be fulfilling and lucrative at the same time, but it can also have its pitfalls. Isolation, loneliness, and disconnection from your peers may loom at the end…
Where to Go To Meet Other WAHMS
Mothers who work at home do so for a variety of reasons. Spending time with your children while maintaining or even increasing income is a huge benefit to many moms who have the joy and responsibility of family, but can’t afford to lose the money they make or their impetus…