Archives for Helpful Tips - Page 106
How to Handle Pregnancy When Working at Home
Working from home is a great option for moms because it allows them the flexibility to care for their family while still bringing in that second income (or the primary if their business takes off). And it can be an ideal situation if you find that you’re pregnant. What could…
How to Save: Supplies for your Home-Based Business
When you worked in an office, you never had to think about ordering supplies or how much they cost. But now that you’ve started your own business and you’re working from home, you may have noticed that your monthly trips to Staples seem to be taking a large chunk out…
Budget Tips for the New Year
If you’re a work-at-home mom, you likely have a pretty tight budget as is (unless you’re making money hand-over-fist, in which case, congratulations!). And with holiday spending contributing to a marked decrease in your bankbook, you’ve probably already planned for cutbacks as soon as December rolls into January and you’re…
Holiday Style for the Busy WAHM
Being a work-at-home mom, looking good for the holidays may be the last thing on your mind. But with family entertaining demanding that you play the happy hostess and the onus on you to reflect well on your husband when you attend his holiday party (to meet and impress the…