Archives for Categorized - Page 23
Freebie: How to Homeschool Your Child From Preschool Through High School
Download a FREE copy of How to Homeschool Your Child From Preschool Through High School! Great for moms or parents who homeschool their children!
Keep That Money in the Bank! Simple Ways to Get a Hold of Your Finances
By JESSICA REMITZ Everyone wants to be better about managing their money, but between hectic work schedules and long to-do lists, sitting down to figure out your finances can easily fall to the bottom of the priorities pile. Fortunately, we’ve brought the research to you, asking money management pros for…
Freebie: Calendar Board Printables
Download these FREE Calendar Board Printables! Thanks Homeschool Creations!
Organize Your Laundry Room, Organize Your Life
The average American household goes through nearly 400 loads of laundry a year, which means your laundry room sees a lot of action. Since the most highly trafficked areas of our homes naturally become the most disorganized, it’s not surprising if the laundry space is looking less than its best.…