Archives for Categorized - Page 208
Pest Control At Home With EcoSmart- Giveaway! (closed)
For those of you that missed my last EcoSmart giveaway that was posted in January- here is another chance to win some eco-friendly products that are safe and beneficial for your plants and garden! Every year more than a million children are poisoned by common household chemicals *Source: US Environmental Protection Agency By using…
Plagiarism/Copying Will Not Be Tolerated!
Seems like it was just yesterday when I read a post on a fellow bloggers blog, which reported someone had plagiarized an entire page word for word from her blog. Well, while I was searching my blog's name today, I came across a blog very similar to mine. At first, I…
How to Organize Your Home Office
Remember when you had a job where organization was mandatory (or at least clutter was frowned upon)? Since anyone and everyone walking by your cubicle had a prize view of the status of desk, you made an effort to keep it neat and presentable. And as a result you enjoyed…
How to Keep Your Operating Costs Low
Being employed outside of the home does have its benefits and one of the main ones is that you never have to think about the costs of operating a business. There are departments full of people who handle every conceivable expense, such as payroll, water and power, and the equipment…