Freebie: 2 Free Dora Learning Books
is another great online site for you and your kids. The site offers preschool games and activities, family life, recipes and so much more. Currently, Dora the Explorer has two free books available as downloads when you and your preschooler take a quiz and get a customized Readiness Plan. Once…
Freebie: Debt Free Holidays Handbook
Great resource tool for the Holidays and starting off the New Year! This booklet includes debt free tips to help you identify your holiday budget, create a shopping list, identify gift ideas, stay within your holiday budget, and give yourself a holiday bonus (free up 10%-15% of your income). This…
Budget Tips for the New Year
If you’re a work-at-home mom, you likely have a pretty tight budget as is (unless you’re making money hand-over-fist, in which case, congratulations!). And with holiday spending contributing to a marked decrease in your bankbook, you’ve probably already planned for cutbacks as soon as December rolls into January and you’re…
Happy Holidays!
Child Holiday Poem My mom is cooking holiday treats; My dad is spending money; They think they've hidden all the gifts; It's really pretty funny. Now Mom and Dad are whispering; They imagine I don't hear. I'm really all excited; It's a happy time of year. I've made my holiday…