Freebie: eCookbook-27 Terrific After School Snack Recipes
Free 40-page eCookbook! Click here to download 27 Terrific After School Snack Recipes, which features fun and easy after school snack ideas. Perfect as a healthy snack for children and adults alike. Your children will enjoy! ***Update: Offer has expired. I received no products or monetary compensation for this post. …
New Printable Coupons for January 2011!
Everyone loves savings and deals! Another goal of mine for the coming year is to focus more on saving money by using coupons. Each month we will post coupons so you can print and start saving. Keep posted for great offers. If you are new to couponing- check out our…
$75 CSN Giveaway: (closed)
What a great way to start off the New Year! One of my goals for this year is to make a few changes to my home decor, so I have been trying to find great buys on different wall decors and modern rugs. You can image my excitement when I was contacted by James from to…
Happy New Year 2011!
As you may know- I love poems and the one below is one of my favorites. As I reflect on this past year of blogging, I continue to grow and learn as each day passes, and with growth comes change. I have had the opportunity to connect with some pretty…