Author Archives: Rondi - Page 222
Feng Shui Your Workspace for Increased Productivity
Since your own personalized workspace is in your home, it can be even harder to get anything done. Do you find yourself spending most of your time reorganizing paperwork, readjusting furniture, or shifting around piles of boxes - just being plain distracted inside your home office even when the kids…
Dating and the Work-at-Home Mom
Whether you’re single and raising a family while working from home or you have a rooster in the hen house, you may have noticed that the time demands on a work-at-home mom have left you little time for dating. Although you enjoy a relatively flexible schedule in which to complete…
5 Reasons to Recruit Your Kids
For most work at home moms, the work load and stress level is doubly overwhelming. Not only do you have to accomplish your daily work related tasks – make phone calls, write reports, etc – but you also have to tend to the younger kids who aren't yet old enough…
iStyle Originals Review and Giveaway (closed)
This is a great giveaway for everyone including your pets! I was so excited when iStyle Originalscontacted me to complete a review and giveaway. iStyle Originals is a unique clothing and apparel for the iGeneration- how cool is that? iStyle has everything from adultwear, doggiewear to accessories and much more at…