Author Archives: Rondi - Page 204
7 DIY Christmas Gift Ideas for Frugal Moms
Christmas is a fun-filled holiday, but it’s also stressful for WAHMs. You have to plan out your holiday hiatus from work carefully, budget creatively, and somehow find the time to spend Christmas with the people who matter to you the most. To help you with those tough demands on your…
Upcycling Business Opportunities for Creative Ecopreneurs
Following the realisation that the products she was using around her home and family were toxic and using huge amounts of earth’s resources, Australian mother of two, Peita Gardiman (pictured left) started a rewarding journey to become a conscious consumer. She started to adopt a new way of thinking… “where…
Using Labelers to Get Organized
Want to be more productive and organized in the office? Organizing takes less time than we think. Use labelers, such as Dymo labelers to help your office be more efficient and well run. By having everything in its own place, you will know where to find whatever you need at…
Freebie: 50 Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipes eCookbook
Ready to start baking Christmas cookies for family and friends? Taken from Christmas is fast approaching and that means it’s time to start rolling out batches of your favorite Christmas cookies. Whether you are a fan of the classic decorated sugar cookie, or are looking for a new and unique…